Online booking
Would you like to come and unpack at the flea market?
Professionnels & particuliers,
réservez en ligne en cliquant ci-dessous
Entrance: 1 rue du Canal, 69100 Villeurbanne FRANCE
THURSDAY (professionals only)
Tarif unique : 30€ (20, 30 ou 40m²). Rendez-vous à partir de 5:00 à l’accueil avec photocopy identity document and trade register number (Kbis).
SATURDAY (professionals and individuals)
Tarif unique : 20€ (20m²)
Professionals : rendez-vous à partir de 6:30 à l’accueil avec photocopy identity document and trade register number (Kbis).
Individuals : rendez-vous à partir de 6:30 à l’accueil avec photocopy of the identity document and Yurplan booking confirmation.
SUNDAY (professionals only)
20m2 = 40€ / 30m² = 60€ / 40m² = 80€
Professionals : meet from 4:30AM at reception with photocopy ID and trade register number (Kbis) (and Yurplan reservation if booking online).
Possibility of parking a vehicle on your spot.
What can I sell at the Puces du Canal?
Antiques, flea markets, vintage and design
All period objects (up to the 90s) are allowed at the Puces: furniture, trinkets, paintings, chandeliers, old toys, posters, old records, books, professional furniture, old garden furniture, industrial furniture, decoration, design, vintage clothing (already used, worn)...
Attention: For the good of the Flea Market, please do not sell new clothing or items, new car parts, household appliances, Hi-Fi, telephones, etc.